The 2025 Week of the Young Child is just around the corner (less than one month away!), and we wanted to share with you why we believe this week is so important.
Today we know more than ever before about the importance of children’s earliest years in shaping their learning and development. Yet, never before have the needs of young children and their families been more pressing.
The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize that children’s opportunities are our responsibilities, and to recommit ourselves to ensuring that each and every child experiences the type of early environment—at home, at child care, at school, and in the community—that will promote their early learning.
We hope you will join us in celebrating this important week of advocacy and awareness!
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Registration for the Spring Institute has been open for about two weeks, and we want to remind our members that you get a special discount!
Membership with Iowa AEYC is open to any and all early care and education professionals. It’s not too late to join and get our exclusive member discount!
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Last week, Iowa AEYC sent a team to spend time in Washington D.C. at the annual NAEYC Public Policy Forum!
After several days of learning through informative and inspiring sessions, the team went to the U.S. Capitol to engage with our federal legislators! We were able to meet directly with Senator Chuck Grassley and Congresswoman Ashley Hinson, as well as with staffers from the offices of Senator Joni Ernst, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Congressman Zach Nunn, and Rep. Randy Feenstra.
All of the legislators we met with seemed open to what we had to say, and it was a wonderful reminder that making your voice heard matters!
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Special delivery: part 4!
Our WAGE$ team has been going throughout the state delivering “checks” to programs with their total amounts earned since WAGE$’ going statewide, and it’s been so fun to capture their reactions!
Here is the last group to receive their checks in person! We’re proud to work with these programs (and so many more!): Iowa State Lab School, Vine Street Child Care, Little Friends Early Learning Center, and New Horizon Academy in West Des Moines!
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Introducing NAEYC CARES – membership benefit categories built for today’s early childhood professionals on the framework of Community, Advocacy, Resources, Events and Support.
Members will now receive:
✔ Access to HELLO online community & networking opportunities
✔ Policy & advocacy tools to support the ECE professional
✔ Exclusive resources, including a new digital magazine
✔ Professional development opportunities & conference discounts
This new model ensures that every educator has access to the resources they need to thrive.
Learn more:
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‼️Calling all Iowa AEYC members‼️
Have YOU voted in our Governing Board election???
Here’s your reminder to do so! This is an EXTREMELY important election, and voting closes on Monday, March 3, so be sure to check your email and our newsletter for the link to vote!
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The highly-anticipated agenda of our Spring Institute! Coming Friday and Saturday, May 2-3, we are excited to offer a weekend of high-quality professional development featuring five incredible speakers.
To register for the Spring Institute and be a part of this amazing experience, visit the link in our bio!
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Just a few days left until your new NAEYC membership begins! We’re excited about the coming changes, and we hope you are too! We are following alongside them as they roll out their CARES-based benefits, so we wanted to announce just a few of the benefits Iowa AEYC offers as supports to you in the early care and education profession.
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If you’re wondering about training credits offered at our Spring Institute, look no further!
We *do* offer HHS training credit for both days of the Institute! HHS training credits are essential ways to build your program’s quality and IQ4K rating. Friday attendees will receive five HHS credits, while Saturday’s attendees will receive six HHS credits, due to the slightly longer agenda we have for Saturday! All training credit is also NAC-approved.
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NAEYC’s new membership goes into effect at 10 a.m. Monday, and their changes are worth being excited about! Iowa AEYC’s membership and benefits, which has always been linked to NAEYC, will follow the same structure as NAEYC, using their CARES model. Here are just a handful of the benefits you can expect when it comes to Iowa AEYC events!
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At this year’s Spring Institute, we’re doing Saturday a little bit differently!
Attendees will have the chance to choose between three of four breakout sessions (which we’ll be posting about soon!) that they will rotate between throughout the day. This allows you to receive professional development on a variety of topics that may of interest to you!
Check out the full schedule below👇
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Some things will look the same at our Spring Institute this year, and some things will look different! Check out the diagram below to see how our Friday and Saturday sessions will differ.
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